
Astrology is a tool that helps us understand our place and our purpose in this lifetime. Learning your Birth Chart leads you on a path of confidence and discovery of your cosmic calling.

Knowing the changes in the night sky and its effects on your life gives rise to insurmountable opportunity. Exploring more about your unique gifts and qualities enables you to be the victor of life’s learning curves.

Katie first fell in love with our expansive astrological system at the age of 10.  Astrology has been a major part of her life ever since. 

Being an eternal seeker, she has continued her journey of self study through the stars and planets with transitions through her life. 


$122 An Astrological Birth Chart is a diagram representing the positions of the sun, moon, planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of your birth.  With your first Birth Chart Consult, you will learn where these planets lie for you, and the impact it has had, and will have on your life.  Your Birth Chart can be utilized for feedback on your choices or thoughts, guidance or insight into all the different areas of your life.   Different topics we can cover are relationships, career, early childhood, your soul’s purpose, past lives, where you have natural gifts, and some areas perhaps there have been a few bumps.  Having your chart read by a professional Astrologer can be a life changing experience.  Validation is the sacred language of peace and healing.

Astrological Birth Chart Reading

$122 In this reading, Katie will apply today’s planetary movements to your stationary birth chart to give an accurate reading of current situations or choices in your life. A 3 month projection is offered in this reading.

Progressed/Transitioning Chart Reading

$220 Utilizing the information from your initial birth chart, Katie is able to offer specific tools, practices, and resources in reaching your goals. Based on personal strengths, tendencies, and the planetary impact in present time, she will empower you to channel the natural flow of what is to harness your ultimate potential. 

Astrological Personal and Professional 

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